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“12 signs you’re are potentially eating too much sugar Delicious Almond Cream Cheese Pancake 3 g carbs” 8 May 2021

Do you know…when you eat sugar, the sugar will be broken down, converted to glucose, and absorbed into the bloodstream to be used by our body?

As our blood glucose increases, the pancreas will secrete insulin to help glucose get into your cells to be used as fuel for energy.

If you eat too much sugar, you might not have enough insulin or your cells become resistant to insulin over time. As the result, you have a risk of becoming a pre-diabetic and if continue with no lifestyle changes to improve your sugar intake you will become a type 2 diabetes patient.

This webinar will give you the 12 signs you might be eating too much sugar as follows:

  1. Increase Hunger and weight gain
  2. Irritability
  3. Tired and low energy
  4. Food not enough sweet taste
  5. Sweet Craving
  6. High blood pressure
  7. Wrinkles and Acne (pimples)
  8. Joint Pain
  9. Sleep issues
  10. Digestive issues
  11. Brain Fog
  12. Cavities

Want to know more details? Watch the video to find out more!

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