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Lowsutea x Tony’s Diabetic Diary (Episode 3/4)

祛糖茶科學大揭秘 ??

【#祛糖茶科學大揭秘 ?? 】  Andrew 喺研發 #祛糖茶 之後都幫咗好多糖友!大家都知祛糖茶含有 #苦瓜 和 #番石榴葉,但唔係好多朋友了解佢背後嘅原理㗎!  今次等 Andrew 用專業嘅角度同科學嘅一面同大家講解吓祛糖茶嘅功效!??‍⚕️??  #糖友日記 #Tony #糖尿達人 #AndrewLau #醫護界嘅猛人 #祛糖茶 #建立良好生活習慣 #切勿忽視糖尿病 #定期檢查 #關心你的健康 #糖尿病 #糖友養生班  ———————————   想知 Tony 點樣用飲食克服血糖問題?入去睇吓:   https://www.TonysDiabeticDiary.com/Programhttps://www.TonysDiabeticDiary.com/Programhttps://www.TonysDiabeticDiary.com/Program    ———————————   【Disclaimer】https://bit.ly/2HK39Qk

Posted by Tony's Diabetic Diary 糖友日記 on Thursday, 4 June 2020

Following the second episode of Lowsutea x Tony’s Diabetic Diary. Andrew introducing how to drink Lowsutea and drinking tips to help customers maintain better blood sugar levels, in this episode, we will share the principle of how Lowsutea works from a medical perspective to you.

Q: How can bitter melon and guava leaf in Lowsutea help clients reduce blood sugar levels?

Sugar will be absorbed into body blood vessels through our intestine after taking our daily diet. How can the sugar in the blood vessels be brought into the cells? Our pancreas will inject insulin into the blood vessels to bring the sugar into body cells. If not enough insulin, sugar in the blood vessels may not able to get the sugar into the cell. Sugar provides the body with energy. Although much sugar in the blood vessels, if sugar unable to get into the cells, the person will feel tired and inactive, and that may result in further diabetic complications.

Bitter melon acts as the insulin in our body, bringing sugar from blood vessels into cells, reducing sugar levels in blood vessels, and giving the cell full of energy & vitality.

After the meal, the sugar will enter the large intestine. There are many micro-vessels in the large intestine ready to absorb the sugar.

Guava leaves can block the sugar from entering the blood vessels and reduce the sugar intake in the blood vessels. Overall, bitter melon brings the sugar into the cells, and guava leaf blocking the sugar from entering the blood vessels, with the double the effect of bitter melon and guava leaf in Lowsutea, it can help clients achieve the goal of reducing sugar levels.

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