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Lowsutea x Tony’s Diabetic Diary(Episode 1/4)


【#醫護 vs #糖友 ????? 】  今次好高興可以請到 Andrew 同我做訪問! Andrew 係醫護界嘅猛人! 佢對香港以及東南亞嘅醫療系統有好大貢獻, 已經救番好多人嘅生命 – 係我好尊敬嘅前輩 ??♂️。  身為醫護嘅佢, 喺成為 #糖友 之後先發現: 就算咁專業嘅佢, 原來以前都未必真正了解糖友嘅心路歷程。  今次我哋嚟聽吓 Andrew 點樣面對血糖問題? ✅✅???  #糖友日記 #Tony #糖尿達人 #AndrewLau #醫護界嘅猛人 #祛糖茶 #建立良好生活習慣 #切勿忽視糖尿病 #定期檢查 #關心你的健康 #糖尿病 #糖友養生班  ———————想了解養生班可以點幫到你, 立刻到以下連結登記:  https://bit.ly/2pzLd5Xhttps://bit.ly/2pzLd5Xhttps://bit.ly/2pzLd5X  ———————————【Disclaimer】https://bit.ly/2HK39Qk

Posted by Tony's Diabetic Diary 糖友日記 on Friday, 22 May 2020

Our Lowsutea founder,  Andrew Lau, who is a Register Nurse with 30 years of healthcare experience and developed Lowsutea, was honored with an invitation by a popular Diabetic Influencer, Tony, to his diabetic diary channel to share Andrew’s successful experience in decrease and maintain better blood sugar level of diabetic and pre-diabetes clients.

The whole series will be separated into 4 episodes for you to learn how to manage blood sugar levels with some adjustment of your lifestyle to achieve a lower sugar level.

In Hong Kong, 1 out of 10 people has diabetes, but 2.3 million people are pre-diabetic

Presently, in the world, 438 million people are living with diabetes & 1.5 billion people are living with pre-diabetic conditions.  With Hong Kong’s highly aged society the possibility of this segment developing diabetes is increasing.  As we age and continue to face the fast-pace life with rich diets, little exercise, stress at work, over weight/obesity we can easily succumb with pre-diabetics conditions.  Thus, how to manage your health and be aware of a healthy lifestyle become more and more important.

A natural way to lower blood sugar level significantly and without side effects

People are relying on medications or even insulin when they are diagnosed with diabetes.  In the interview, Andrew shares a natural way with drinking Lowsutea, and changing lifestyle e.g.: dieting, exercising, controlling weight, and decreasing clients’ blood sugar by 10% to 30%.  Andrew developed the 100% natural Lowsutea tea with 2 major ingredients “guava leaves” and “bitter melon” to help lower clients’ blood sugar.

If you or your family members have high blood sugar problems or suffer from the onset of diabetic complications, please keep follow our blog article and feel free to contact us. We love to help!

Lowsutea Team

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