Garden Bouquet Floral Tea is blended with lavender, chamomile and rose to help you relieve stress, boost blood circulation and enhance immunity. You will feel relax and warming when unwinding with a naturally sweet and comforting cup of Garden Bouquet Floral Tea.
“A garden is nurturing you after your caring cultivation” These words from a French garden keeper inspired our tea master to create a nurturing tea with elements found from the garden. A plethora of intriguing tastes welcome the drinker as notes from chamomile, rose and lavenders become present. Awarded for its superior taste and aroma, this tea lets you indulge on your spiritual journey.
In 2018, Garden Bouquet Tea, was conferred a 2-Star Superior Taste Award by iTQi in Brussels.
Packing: 5g Sachets x 10pcs
Teabag Form: Mesh Sachet
Caffeine: Medium
Golden Ratio: 1g Tea : 50ml water (1.7 ounce)
Temperature: 80°C-90°C
Steeping Time: 3-5mins in 350ml teapot or 250ml in steeping bottle (12 ounce in teapot or 8.5 ounce in steeping bottle)
A mixture of sweet and fresh floral note
This delicate floral tea blend is naturally scented with beautiful lavender, chamomile and rose, the sweet and fragrant aroma relieves a peaceful mind, as if merging in paradise-like garden.
Health Benefits
Relieve Stress
The amino acid helps to block the areas of the brain that make you feel stressed, keeping your mind at peace
Promote Skin Health
The antioxidants curb the free radicals damaging the skin, thus delaying premature aging
Reduce Menstrual Pain
Help to alleviate some of the symptoms of menstruation, and ease painful cramping
Promote Sleep
Helps relax and calm the autonomic nervous system contributing to a restful and peaceful sleep
Help Reduce Inflammation
Contains chemical compounds which reduce inflammation
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