Blog, Diabetes 101

Diabetes and Sleep

How’s life going recently? Having some quality sleep?

Better sleep helps us to maintain optimal health and to boost our energy both mentally and physically.

Diabetics especially need more time to rest and relax. If their blood sugar level is high, it may affect their sleeping quality.

High blood sugar level makes it less comfortable for you to sleep, you will feel maybe too warm or irritable.

Put Away Your Mobile Phone 30 Minutes Before Sleep

Stay away from your mobile phone 30 minutes before you go to bed, and try as much as you can to sleep for 7 to 9 hours.

Better sleep could help the hormones to regulate body functions, like appetite, weight control and immune system.

People who are not sleeping well will feel drowsy throughout the day and are more likely to eat comfort foods, like cakes, candies and biscuits as refreshers, as a result, the blood sugar level goes up.

In order to avoid falling into the vicious cycle of not enough sleep—eating snacks—blood sugar increases—not enough sleep, remember to control sugar and carbs intake, pay attention to mental health, and give yourself more time to relax.

Drink Lowsutea Daily To Maintain Better Blood Sugar Levels

Award-winning Lowsutea is the best natural sugar cleansing tea, that may help you to:

  • Maintain better blood sugar levels
  • Postpone the pre-diabetic conversion
  • Delay onset of diabetic complications
  • Lower the LDL (bad) cholesterol levels

And provides you detox effects, antioxidant and anti-aging effects, and more!

Start monitoring your health! We are ready to hand-hold you through this journey with the tea and 5 programs.

Drink a cup of 250ml Lowsutea before and after each meal to help stabilizing blood sugar, preventing from spike suddenly.

Click to learn more about Lowsutea

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